Sunday, January 17, 2016

Mason Mess - Zen Mental Vol 1

Mental Zen is the first book in a series by Mason Mess. In this first volume the goal was to take a classic technique of mentalism and squeeze it till beautiful drops of mentalism nectar came pouring out.

In other words, armed with just a simple technique, read serial numbers off borrowed bills, q and a, ACAAN, muscle reading, coin bending, blister effect, mind reading and much more. With virtually no sleight of hand.

By using a host of powerful strategies, you'll be able to instantly perform all the classics of mentalism with ordinary props found anywhere. No gimmicks or sleight of hand. Just simple technique with clever applications.

Yes, the secret is simple but the impact is powerful. In addition to the above effects, you'll also learn two different bank night type effects, a living and dead test, a secret Spiderman trick hidden in the book, a brand new way to do Wi, teleportations, a bunch of prediction effects, a drawing duplication and a book test.

Plus, you'll learn The Lucky Principle, 3 new ways of doing Chicago Opener and a bonus effect by Ted Karmolovich, called License To Ill.

Some of my favorite routines in the book are the coin bending (so super easy with hardly anything to do), the blister idea (the blister effect is not explained, just a cool way to get into it) and the bank night effect. Also, License To Ill could probably be sold on it's own as a separate effect. People are already saying it's the "worth the price of admission" effect.

A few bonus ideas are already being developed and will be mailed to owners of the book in a few weeks (there are already 3).

Who is Mason Mess? There aren't many clues but he's probably a writer who doesn't want his magic writing to get confused with his non-magic writing. He might have worked with Paul Harris for a few years (there's a small idea from PH in the book). It will either be a mystery that won't be solved for years or really blatantly obvious. Or neither. One thing is for sure, he is not Neal Scryer (but he knows who is).

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