Sunday, February 12, 2017

Second Coming by Fraser Parker & Ross Tayler

ircle and once  your performance is over all that  remains is the beautiful lie. Effects include:  Prop-less ways to divine and predict  playing cards merely thought of.  Including Ross Tayler's Kings card  force, which is a way to hand a deck  of ordinary shuffled cards to the  spectator and have them simply look  through the cards and think of one  and always be able to reveal their  thought of card. You are even able to  tell them when they have decided to  change their mind between two  cards and reveal both thought of  cards.  Prop-less name reverse name guess  where the spectator uses their genuine feelings and intuition to divine the name the performer is thinking of and has written down ahead of time before any process has seemingly begun.Prop-less name guess. This is the most streamline and elegant way ever conceived to reveal a name someone is only thinking of, with nothing written down and without any letters or categories being named out loud by the spectator, whatsoever. We feel we have found somewhat of a holy grail for the billet-less name guess plot.Reverse name guess using previous method but flipping it on it's head.Ross Tayler's Star Sign divination which got amazing reactions at The Session 2017 when Fraser showed this to a few pros – not only for the impact of the effect but also due to it's beautifully deceptive and elegantly streamlined method. We feel this is worth the price of the book in and of itself. Finally, we now have a Star Sign guess that is entirely conversational and doesn't use anagrams or any odd procedure.Also included is our half billet peek method using a standard piece of paper and a marker that relies on psychology to make it work. The spectator writes on a piece of paper and folds it. Then without the performer unfolding the paper or tearing it or doing anything unnatural they can at any time they wish, get a full peek under the fairest circumstances – without any pressure to get the peek quickly. This is our answer to classic billet work and we feel the most natural way to do it.And much more.Forewords from Kenton, Jerome Finley and Peter Turner.SECOND COMING is a Hardback book with printed dust jacket cover.These are limited to 200 copies and will be sent in protective packaging

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